How can I possibly get anything done in a world that seems to constantly whiz by, leaving me in an ever-expanding cloud of to-do’s? At times I feel this dimension has a mission to prove to me and all Earthlings that we can never catch up. We are destined, it seems, to always fall short: behind on our lists, our agendas, our goals, our shoulds. Many a client has echoed this dissatisfaction to me over the years – there never seems to be enough time in the day to get done what I want. What to do? What to do.
Thinking about my relationship with time often brings me a sense of disappointment and frustration, as if in some ancient time we used to be on good terms, but then somehow things deteriorated, and we are currently on the outs. What happened? It now appears we need intensive couples therapy to give any hope of salvaging our union, and somehow, I suspect forgiveness is needed. I would like to heal my relationship with time. Why is it so hard to deal with you?! As with many relationship discords, I believe the answer lies, at least partly, in the perspectives, assumptions, and behavior patterns of each respective party. As I’m writing this, sitting outside admiring the hickory tree blossoms, a giant bee flies right before my face, attacking some other bug, which falls onto my table! An omen if ever I saw one (or if ever one fell on my table). Bee spirit teaches us about hard work, but also the importance of a work-life balance (and not working oneself to death). The hexagram shape in the honeycomb has six sides, and in numerology six has to do with balance and harmony. There is a lesson here. Time teaches us to balance our energies, to balance the different areas of our life. It forces us to choose how to spend our time, as there is only so much each of us is given! Are we assuming everything needs to get done now, when maybe it could wait? Perhaps it can get done in slower steps, or we realize some things that seem important on the to-do list are minor, upon deeper reflection. I would like to share another sacred animal spirit’s wisdom here: that of the Kangaroo, who channeled through me a message about such a topic earlier this month, which I shared on-the-air on my radio show. Kangaroo spirit said: Learn to use your energy properly, in balance with the Earth and yourself. Understand that your relationship with this dimension of distance and space can be one of harmony, for the distances you traverse and the time you spend help you align with what is truly important; this allows you to choose a direction that will lead you to what your heart wants to experience. The Kangaroo spirit animal teaches us lessons about strength, stamina, leadership, decisiveness, grounding, and leaping forward. Kangaroo has been teaching me to leap even when I am unsure. I need to trust the bigger “I”, my Higher Self. This, I believe, is another key to mastering time here on Earth. If I can shift to the expanded part of my consciousness, I can transcend the lower concrete paradigm of time. Time is more fluid than it may appear. I know this when I use prayer or call on my Higher Power as I set an intention and find that events seem to fall into place in amazing timing, outside of the realm of possibilities from my human mind. Have you had an experience of a synchronicity, or even miracle, that seemed to transcend the bounds of time? These are the two elements that I am learning to navigate right now, using the limitation of this time-space dimension to understand balance and efficiency, and how to call on my Higher Power to relate to, and even love, time in a multidimensional way.
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